This event is focussed on improving your espresso brewing at home as well as steaming creamy milk for espresso based milk drinks. Coffee Schools provide us with an opportunity to take a break from the busy café environment together, taking an evening to talk about coffee, and leaving you better prepared to get the most out of your coffee experience at home.
The course will take place in our Aarhus Ø Cafe, Irma Pedersens Gade 120, 8000 Aarhus
- The course lasts 2 hours and is in English
- "Cupping" (coffee tasting) of different countries of origin as well as different qualities and types of coffee - including an introduction to specialty coffee and La Cabra's philosophy
- Espresso brewing – everything you need to brew a good espresso at home
- Extraction and tasting of espresso - theory about the 'well-brewed' espresso, as well as what you need to do to change your extraction
- Milk workshop - everything you need to obtain a delicious, creamy milk, as well as how to pour a cappuccino etc. equalize
La Cabra is a modern coffee company established in Aarhus, Denmark in 2012. Curious about what lay further down the coffee chain, we threw ourselves into sourcing and roasting our own coffee, our own way, in 2013. Part of the advantage of growing in a small town is the lack of external influence, allowing us to forge an honest and novel approach to coffee. This honesty and dedication led to a reputation at home in Aarhus, where a passionate team still runs our coffee bars and bakery.
Attention also began to trickle in from further afield, and today La Cabra is a widely recognised coffee roaster; we are proud to be working with many valued and quality driven wholesale partners to create exceptional coffee experiences in cities across the globe, and with dedicated home users and subscribers in more than 60 countries. Over the past few years we have further expanded our coffee horizons, moving to our new roastery location in Copenhagen, and opening our first international locations in New York, Bangkok and Oman.